Thursday 10 June 2021

Dixon house writing

 On Tuesday we went to Dixon house to read to all the old people there and talk to them about their lives and how it was ages ago. When we first got there we were all a bit nervous but when we started reading to them it was really fun, the was one lady called Janet haddock and a few of us all read a really funny book and we talked for ages after we read to them for awhile the polytech people mad us an afternoon tea and so we ate some of that and had a look around.

Once we got there most of us felt really nervous but once we started reading and getting to know most of them and seeing what they did as a child and most of them could talk but a few had a few speaking issues but it was still really fun. When we left I felt really lucky to go and read to them because most other schools wouldn't get to read to elderly people in a retirement village.

One of the ladies there Janet, she was very nice and when we read her a book she could actually read most of it herself and when she came across a funny bit in the book she would start laughing and cracking up and it was really funny,

One of the things I enjoyed the most was getting to talk about all of the old people's lives and how different it was back ages ago, 

Something I learned from it was that most elderly are quite lonely and when we went to read to them it made them really happy.